PSD Records for Different Types of Adviser
Platinum PSD functionality has been updated to make the Adviser role broader. With the change, Adviser can have the following role types: Independent Financial Adviser, Solicitor, Accountants, Stockbrokers, and Introducers can be applied across all PSD types. The restriction on Advisers being set as Intermediaries has also been removed.
New Report~Pro Capabilities
Wyn Enterprise Reporting has been rebranded to Report~Pro.
API views for Banking and Groups have been upgraded to support a wider range of data retrieval via Report~Pro or other client reporting tools.
Regulatory Updates
We continue to deliver Regulatory enhancements to Platinum. As part of this release, the June and July Gilt Yields have been seeded into the system.
Banking Application
Delta is working on a significant new Banking App that will be implemented as part of the Platinum ecosystem. The App will promote straight through processing of payments and reconciliation together with precise risk management controls. This release lays foundations to enable incremental development of Platinum.
For further information on the Banking App, contact your Relationship Manager